Attention: Overwhelmed professionals, aged 35 or older who’ve had diets, and workout plans fail them!
Why Getting Fit, Dropping Body Fat & Increasing Energy Levels In Your 30s, 40s And Beyond Seems Almost Impossible...
...And Why “Human Nature Based Coaching” Is The Only Solution…
Why Getting Fit, Dropping Body Fat & Increasing Energy Levels In Your 30s, 40s and beyond Seems Almost Impossible...
...And Why “Human Nature Based Coaching” Is The Only Solution…
Let me show you why human nature based coaching is successful for people who live a demanding life and why
  • Diet plans and workouts you did in your 20s are ineffective today… and actually deplete your energy and focus.
  • 3 types of diet programs you should NEVER use, unless you want to gain body fat in “stubborn areas” like your belly.
  • The real cause of your repeated failure to stick to a plan (hint: it’s not more time, discipline, or another expensive personal trainer).
But first, does this sound like your daily agenda?
It's 6:00 am.
You drag yourself out of bed still shattered by the obligations and commitments from the day before. 

You take your 15 minute shower and wish it could be longer, because you know what's waiting for you — the towering mountains of stress filled with work deadlines and family responsibilities.

Starting with waking up the kids and get them out the door to school.
It's 8:55 am.
You drive to work and park in your parking space then sit there and take a sigh. You've got 5 more minutes before you have to clock in.

And because you didn’t have time for breakfast, you need a “pick-me-up” so you can last until the first break.

You take an extra 5 extra minutes to sip your sugar-filled cup of caffeine to force out the energy from your body so you can,

 - Take on the multiple projects that need to be completed
 - Be mentally sharp for the countless meetings to attend
 - Take on the unknown fires people will come to you with

The caffeine will have to do for now until your next window of time.
You flip your visor down and notice the dark circles under your eyes are getting puffier but ignore it because it’s showtime at work.
It's 6:30 pm. 
You're running late getting from work. So you grab takeout as you race back home to your family.
Before you walk in the door you force a smile on your face, then walk through your door, and announce “pizza for dinner!”

You're exhausted. And it's only Tuesday.
Day in, day out you stretch yourself paper thin trying to look after everyone else…. From family members to the incompetent, lazy, or just plain demanding people you work with.
Your day-to-day is stressful, but you hide it well because everyone’s depending on YOU!

Meanwhile, your health, energy, and weight are starting to slowly spiral out of control. 
Every year things get harder to summon more 
energy to deal with the stresses…
Every year, you find new aches and pains. Your once perfectly healthy shoulders and 
knees start to twinge uncomfortably.

Every morning it seems to take longer for your brain to switch on. You stare blankly at the computer screen waiting for the extra strong coffee to force your brain into gear. 

Meanwhile, clothes that used to fit loosely are now becoming uncomfortable and tight. 
You start to become more and more self-conscious. 

You have this little voice in your head telling you, you’re a success in so many other areas of life yet deep down you know your body is something you don’t want to think about.

What can you do?
The limited free time you have always fills up with something NOT for you to recharge yourself
Before you know it, it’s time to go to bed... so you can get up early to do it all again tomorrow.
The repetitive day-in-day-out of being the leader and provider in everything you do makes summoning the energy and willpower to fix the problem extremely difficult with each passing day.

And most would’ve breakdown by now….
...But giving up is not in your DNA, and…
You. Don’t. Let. Yourself. Break!

However deep down…
With the situation getting more and more difficult each year…you’re not 20, 25, or 30 anymore and you can’t keep telling yourself, “I’ll just wait until I have more time for myself” to do something about the high stress, low energy and weight gain. 

Deep down you know this demanding life is not sustainable with the rate your health is going at. So that’s why you’ve tried other nutrition programs and workout plans.

But those plans always gets shoved aside after a couple weeks or a month at most because it’s too hard to squeeze it all into 24 hours.
But be honest… was your life REALLY always like this?
Thinking back to your 20s things were so much easier. You were able to follow through with fat loss and workout plans much easier. And these same plans gave you boundless energy, and your waistline was never a concern.

You know this more productive & fitter version of you is not some myth.

You were this person not so long ago!
You’re still the same “you”... 
which leads to the question what’s really changed?
Well, let’s take a deeper look at why programs and plans you did before will work against you today...
  • You didn’t have one, two or even three kids before
  • ​You didn’t have so many bills to pay, and mouths to feed 
  • ​You didn’t have a high-pressure job, with unrelenting deadlines 
  • ​You didn’t have to manage so many unexpected fires at work 
  • ​You didn’t have life events that derailed you (like divorce, the death of a loved one, changing careers, or severe health issues of a loved one) 
  • You didn’t have one, two or even three kids before
  • ​You didn’t have so many bills to pay, and mouths to feed 
  • ​You didn’t have a high-pressure job, with unrelenting deadlines 
  • ​You didn’t have to manage so many unexpected fires at work 
  • ​You didn’t have life events that derailed you (like divorce, the death of a loved one, changing careers, or severe health issues of a loved one) 
And because you’re the one who takes care of things, you’re ensuring everyone else is taken care of but forget (and let’s be honest) all of the above drains your time, energy and focus.

This makes it harder to maintain the pace needed to succeed, and stay on top of things.

And although this makes it harder to stick to a plan. it’s not the real issue… allow me to explain, you see...
Most programs are doomed to fail — 
before you even start them.
This is because they violate the very principles of human nature.

As more and more demands come into our lives, they steal the energy for any will power we have. So, we revert back to what’s easy and comfortable for us.

This problem was always there. In your 20s, this issue was simply masked because when you were younger, you didn’t have so many demands requiring so much physical and emotional energy.

You had a huge energy reserve tank of fuel to stick to strict rules of diet and workout schedules.

You used that energy to fight against your human nature with “willpower.” So you didn’t notice the flaws of programs you followed and how they go against your human nature.

The young, wild and free version of you had a serious advantage with a huge energy reserve to follow strict programs and fight against your rebellious human nature.

Now this advantage is gone, and it becomes clear this is an unwinnable fight.

But here is the good news…
When you know how to seize advantage of your natural wiring instead of fighting it, you succeed!
Once you discover how to work with your human nature you don't need to rely on the advantages of…
  • Having tons of free time to prep meals 
  • ​Using willpower to force feed yourself bland meals 
  • ​Being able to get to a gym multiple times a week - making your already tight schedule completely overwhelming 
  • ​...or paying for an expensive personal trainer... that may or may not understand the difficulties you face and the level of responsibility you have to deal with. 
  • Having tons of free time to prep meals 
  • ​Using willpower to force feed yourself bland meals 
  • ​Being able to get to a gym multiple times a week - making your already tight schedule completely overwhelming 
  • ​...or paying for an expensive personal trainer... that may or may not understand the difficulties you face and the level of responsibility you have to deal with. 
These are the problems with other programs like paleo, intermittent fasting, keto etc...
  • Paleo assumes you can live like a robot
  • ​Intermittent fasting assumes consistent time on your calendar to eat big meals, then go hungry... 
  • ​Keto assumes you’re willing to give up carbs for the rest of your life 
  • Paleo assumes you can live like a robot
  • ​Intermittent fasting assumes consistent time on your calendar to eat big meals, then go hungry... 
  • ​Keto assumes you’re willing to give up carbs for the rest of your life 
These programs expect you to go extreme and assume you have nothing else going on in your life so you can follow the strict rules.  They violate the laws of human nature and that’s why they aren’t sustainable. This is exactly why people jump from “diet” to “diet”.
And the result?... your human nature always kicks in and falls back into what’s easy, comfortable and achievable for your busy lifestyle. You end up right back where you started, or even heavier than before. 

I know how hard life can be once you get older, especially when you’re in a role where everyone comes to you for answers.  It’s why I base my nutrition and exercise framework on reality, not idealism.

It’s why I base my programs on how human nature works so you can stick with it and eliminate starting over again.
Eat. Move. Live. is designed to work with your human nature so it fits into an imperfect life…
Programs based on idealism expect you to remember 100 different rules.

This is why Eat. Move. Live. (EML for short) is engineered using Human Nature Based Coaching.

In the background, we’ve removed the complexity of figuring it all out for yourself and simplified how to make small changes that are inline with your innate human nature, without overwhelming you.

All you need to do is execute.

The strategies contained inside Eat.Move.Live (EML) were developed over decades of working with hundreds of busy people like you.

I’ve distilled practical strategies in what to eat, when to eat and how to prep under 30 minutes to make the most significant impact for a slimmer body and razor-sharp focus.

Workouts are personalized through a self fitness level assessment so you’re not doing movements that put you at risk of injury and burn-out. If you have a bum shoulder, unstable knee, or maybe back pain…you will have solutions to work with your current body.

Best of all… workouts are intelligently designed so you can do it at home, at the hotel, or at the gym, and get it done in under 30 minutes without making you sore for days after.

Eat.Move.Live is not designed to overwhelm. It’s designed for the busy person to focus on the practical nutrition and exercise strategies you can do every day, no matter the priorities you have into your life. So your results get better every week. 
With Human Nature Based Coaching there’s
No overwhelm.
No falling off the wagon.
No turning your entire life upside down.
Just a ruthlessly effective plan, that’s easy to sustain & gives excellent results.
How I discovered human nature based coaching is an interesting but tragic story.
Like most of my clients, I found myself completely overwhelmed.

I was only 27, with all that raw energy, but I was still trying to do too much. 

I was working 80 hours a week to help support my husband through medical school and residency.

His career goals meant working 100 hours or more a week. He was also making very little money and had huge student debt to repay.

Through all this, it was on me to be the main provider. I was a successful financial consultant and made enough money to build a new home, buy a new car, wear nice clothes and eat out at the finest restaurants.

While constantly being the provider I ended up with ...
  • Irritable bowel syndrome 
  • ​Fertility issues
  • ​The inability to sleep 
  • ​Which all led to depression 
  • Irritable bowel syndrome 
  • ​Fertility issues
  • ​The inability to sleep 
  • ​Which all led to depression 
Even at that time, I questioned whether or not all of these painful health issues were worth it?...But I shoved those thoughts aside because I “looked good” on the outside and had the “ideal life” in the eyes of the outside world.
All this masked the pain of my declining mental and physical health

Then if this wasn’t stressful enough... 

We finally had our first child.

But tragically, due to a rare chromosome disorder... my daughter would not live for very long. 
It’s hard to describe the feeling... 
spending your first Mother's Day at the cemetery.
I was consumed by deep sorrow for many years.

Holding your newborn daughter as she dies in your arms is beyond traumatic. And normally when people get out of pregnancy they have a new life to take care of. I was left with a broken body, and no baby. For years I felt “lost” and relied on prescription medicine to help me sleep. 

But through all the sorrow, my daughter's death became a pivotal moment for how I perceived my life. Death taught me how short life is life and to stop taking my days for granted.  

I realized the big house, nice car and the best shoes don’t mean much when you don’t have the energy to enjoy it while suffering from physical and mental health.

I needed to stop working all the time and neglecting my own health. 

I needed to feel empowerment again. 

Nothing was easy after losing my child, so what could I do to start living a better life?   

The answer...
Start improving my health and fitness to deal with 
this mental torment.  
Sure enough, once I got my fitness and nutrition dialed in… all my health problems went away.
  • My sleep improved and I was able to get off all medications 
  • ​No more hitting the snooze on the alarm every morning and dragging myself out of bed 
  • ​My irritable bowel syndrome went away 
  • ​My hypothyroid issues cleared up 
  • ​I was able to cope with my sorrow from my daughter’s death much better 
Diet and exercise had a powerfully transformative effect on my life.

Knowing how empowering it is to have the energy to live life and deal with uncontrollable tragic events, I wanted to make this possible for other people too.

I dove headfirst into the study of fitness and nutrition. 

I studied relentlessly and gained real life experience by working with hundreds of clients in person. 
I found the beauty in my sociology background and how to use that knowledge to understand human nature.

I wanted to prove that what worked for me was not just theory, but it worked for everyone else willing to try.

For example, I found that a lot of my clients have tried programs like keto, intermittent fasting, and paleo on their own and those just didn’t work for them in the long run. 

They would see good results for a week or two before burning out. Others would experience mental or physical breakdown just from the stress of the program. These programs interfered with their lives, they didn’t make it better.

Those clients who reminded me of myself… when I was working 80 hours a week. 
It seemed most programs were based on idealism. 
Anyone with a demanding career & responsibilities couldn’t possibly stick to them.
It pissed me off to see my clients blame themselves when they couldn’t stick to a program or get any results from it. I knew the real problem was the programs they were trying to follow are contrary to human behavior.

My mission became giving people the energy, focus, and weight loss they craved so they could stop feeling like a failure and start getting the most out of life.  

After many years of research and trial and error, I finally cracked the code. 

Combining theory and experience created Human Nature Based coaching. 

To see men & women in their 30s, 40s and beyond, finally able to get the balance right, meant everything to me. 

They were able to lose weight, improve energy and focus. It meant they could be better parents, crush work deadlines, and not feel tired all the time. It all started with integrating small actions to easily fit into their lives so their human nature didn’t rebel! 

Our human nature wants easy. 
That’s why EML is easy to do & easy to stick with....
When you enroll into EML, you can forget about strict rules. In fact, we’ve simplified how to start to be so easy you’ll ask yourself “that’s it?”
Here’s why...
  • EML is accessible online from any phone, tablet or computer… so you can always get help even when traveling 
  • ​Only one simple task per day… so you don’t get overwhelmed  
  • ​Every task is effective… everything you do is designed to help you lose weight, improve energy and focus. Period.  
  • ​Every recipe and workout is designed to be simple and done under 30 minutes 
  • ​HD videos show you exactly how to execute each exercise… You just need to tap your smartphone. 
  • ​Each day is part of an intelligently design plan… so you are progressing month after month, and never get bored 
  • ​Searchable recipe database of 468 recipes based on eating REAL dogma, no deprivation.  
  • ​Done-for-you guides for snacking, stocking your pantry, traveling, kids lunches, and so much more 
  • ​52 weekly, seasonal menus for planning ahead, saving time and money  
  • ​A video guided fitness assessment makes sure you are in the workout plan suited to your fitness level… so you are not struggling to keep up and feel out of your reach 
  • ​You get on-demand access to expert interviews with renowned doctors and a library of coaching call… so you save time and money by doing only the things that benefit your weight, health and energy levels. 
  • ​Monthly live you can get tailor fit advice on how best to learn and stay motivated 
  • EML is accessible online from any phone, tablet or computer… so you can always get help even when traveling 
  • ​Only one simple task per day… so you don’t get overwhelmed  
  • ​Every task is effective… everything you do is designed to help you lose weight, improve energy and focus. Period.  
  • ​Every recipe and workout is designed to be simple and done under 30 minutes 
  • ​HD videos show you exactly how to execute each exercise… You just need to tap your smartphone. 
  • ​Each day is part of an intelligently design plan… so you are progressing month after month, and never get bored 
  • ​Searchable recipe database of 468 recipes based on eating REAL dogma, no deprivation.  
  • ​Done-for-you guides for snacking, stocking your pantry, traveling, kids lunches, and so much more 
  • ​52 weekly, seasonal menus for planning ahead, saving time and money  
  • ​A video guided fitness assessment makes sure you are in the workout plan suited to your fitness level… so you are not struggling to keep up and feel out of your reach 
  • ​You get on-demand access to expert interviews with renowned doctors and a library of coaching call… so you save time and money by doing only the things that benefit your weight, health and energy levels. 
  • ​Monthly live you can get tailor fit advice on how best to learn and stay motivated 
Once you join EML, you will immediately feel better because you will be doing small things each day that lead to big changes.

The assessment means that old injuries aren’t an obstacle to getting stronger, fitter and more toned. Also, NOT making you so sore that you can’t exercise for a week (which does no one any good.)
With the nutrition section you don’t have to think or figure things out — just use the recipes and menus to make things simpler and less time consuming.

Within the first few days, you will see just how sustainable EML is for your busy life. Your mind will be at ease knowing you don’t have to turn your entire life upside to see results.  

After 7 days you will have clearer mental focus, be less bloated and less reliant on morning caffeine.

At the end of 30 days, you will have a completely new understanding of how easy it is to live your lifestyle, while feeling better, having more energy and looking and feeling confident in your body. You will see changes in your body that will keep you consistent and wanting more. 
We also base your movement progress on measurable results. 
With fitness and strength tests every 6 weeks, you’ll be able to not only feel the difference but measure it exactly. After your 2nd test, you will be amazed at how far you have come in only 6 short weeks.

And if you need support because things changed in your life, you will have access to a private Facebook group to ask others and get coaching. Or show up on the monthly coaching calls, and we’ll work through it together.

As this gradual plan works with your current lifestyle, you won’t feel like you’re fighting human nature. You will experience first hand how small changes work and before you know it, after one month, your clothes start to fit looser. You’re feeling more confident, and this improves your mood even further.  
We also base your movement progress on measurable results. 
With fitness and strength tests every 6 weeks, you’ll be able to not only feel the difference but measure it exactly. After your 2nd test, you will be amazed at how far you have come in only 6 short weeks.

And if you need support because things changed in your life, you will have access to a private Facebook group to ask others and get coaching. Or show up on the monthly coaching calls, and we’ll work through it together.

As this gradual plan works with your current lifestyle, you won’t feel like you’re fighting human nature. You will experience first hand how small changes work and before you know it, after one month, your clothes start to fit looser. You’re feeling more confident, and this improves your mood even further.  
Who is Evie and why should you choose her to help you?
My own background is a balanced mix of both qualifications and real-world experience.

A bachelor’s degree in Sociology means I understand human nature and how to help you create new habits and behaviors. 

Coaching people for over a decade face to face means I’ve tested my knowledge and know it works.

Vast fitness experience comes in the form of competition. I’ve competed at a top level..
  • Qualifying for the CrossFit ™ Masters Regionals in 2014.
  •  Placing top 20 in the Granite Games ™ 2015 
  •  Winning the 2016 Alpha Games in France 
  •  Placing top 5 in the 2017 Alpha Games in France 
  •  Top 10 at NorCal Masters 2018
  • Qualifying for the CrossFit ™ Masters Regionals in 2014.
  •  Placing top 20 in the Granite Games ™ 2015 
  •  Winning the 2016 Alpha Games in France 
  •  Placing top 5 in the 2017 Alpha Games in France 
  •  Top 10 at NorCal Masters 2018
So you can be sure that I’m not just some armchair coach. I know what it feels like to walk the walk.

And do it with real life obstacles holding me back. 

Things like… 
  • An 80 hour work week
  • ​A traumatic mental state following my daughter’s death 
  • ​A body falling apart following a pregnancy
  • An 80 hour work week
  • ​A traumatic mental state following my daughter’s death 
  • ​A body falling apart following a pregnancy
I’ve dedicated my life to studying everything health and fitness. When you work with me you are working with a…
  • Qualified Precision Nutrition ™ Coach
  •  Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach 
  •  Powerlifting & Olympic lifting qualified coach 
  •  Certificates in kettlebell training, gymnastics & mobility  
  •  The list goes on… 
  • Qualified Precision Nutrition ™ Coach
  •  Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach 
  •  Powerlifting & Olympic lifting qualified coach 
  •  Certificates in kettlebell training, gymnastics & mobility  
  •  The list goes on… 
But the real learning happens when I apply this information with real people. With over a decade of coaching under my belt, I simply love people and just happen to know a heck of a lot about fitness and nutrition.

Plenty of programs sound great within the pages of a book, but fail miserably when real people try to implement them. 

After working with hundreds of high achieving, super-busy clients…. I’ve seen first hand how most fitness programs are idealistic and can’t get you results that can be sustained. 

This is what I teach during my international retreats, my nutrition seminars, and my movement seminars. 

It’s the same no-BS, effective approach you will get when we start working together. 
EAT. MOVE. LIVE. combines over a decade of practical experience working with the principles of human nature
EML is different because...
Everything is based on saving time. 
This makes the plan realistic and easier to stick to. This way you can see better results over time and feel confident that you are going to maintain them. You won’t just have a slim waist, and productive work days for just a week or a month - you will have it for life.

Everything is easily accessible.
All parts EML can be downloaded right to your smartphone. You always know exactly what it is you need to do. The steps you take are simple and manageable, so you never feel overwhelmed.

Every “bump” in your life has EML to support it 
You will get the support you need if things change in your life and you need help with strategies to manage. The coaching calls give you a chance to have all of your questions answered, so you never feel lost or alone. The accountability on the calls means that you will stay on track, getting better results.

Everything is backed with proven results & experts. 
You will have access to practical topics with Dr. Jeoffry Drobot who is a naturopathic doctor specializing in detoxification and hormonal imbalance correction. You get all the tools you need for fitting nutrition, exercise and lifestyle fulfillment into your busy schedule.
Every demand is accounted for with guides. 
Inside EML, we have the help you need to deal with difficult scenarios like travel, eating out at restaurants, feeding picky kids, etc...
Every part of your daily workouts are structured. 
Workouts you can do at home means you don’t have to spend precious time going to and from a gym. This makes improving your energy, health and body fat levels much easier.
Each and every workout is selected based on your level of fitness. 
Workouts can be done under 30 minutes at home, hotel, or at the gym. These are all suited to your fitness level, based off of your video assessment so you don’t risk injury or make slower progress by doing a program not meant for you. It also means if you’re a complete beginner, or have advanced fitness levels, you will be able to find the perfect workout.  

We will achieve this together by working with your human nature & not against it with Human Nature Based coaching
When you sign up for EAT. MOVE. LIVE. you will receive…
One-year membership access to our site
Your new membership site has a simple and intuitive design. This means even if you’re not an expert with technology you will use the EML to access the nutrition and workout plans.
30-day kickstart plan.
This includes daily missions to avoid overwhelm. You get manageable human nature friendly tasks that allow you to start improving your health without experiencing burn out. Simply log in and view each day on your phone. 
Tailored workouts
We have included workouts for all fitness levels. By completing a simple movement assessment at home first, you can determine the perfect level for you to begin. This means whether you are a beginner or advanced, you will be getting the perfect program for your fitness level. 
All the workouts can all be done at home. This eliminates the need for taking hours out of your day to get to the gym and back, no putting on gym clothes in public, feeling self-conscious, or have anyone watching you while you workout.

Each workout has equipment lists provided, so you can get prepared ahead of time and have exactly what you need.

You will assess your fitness each 6 weeks to tangibly measure your progress. In most programs, it can be hard to tell if you’re making progress at all. On EML you can see exactly how much stronger, fitter and healthier you are getting every 6 weeks. This will really motivate you to do your best each workout. 

Workouts can be easily accessed on your phone. Simply swipe, and scroll and you know exactly what you are doing for your workout. No more figuring out what to do and then hoping for the best.
Access to our HD Video Exercise library
When you complete the workouts, you will know exactly what to do with step-by-step instructions anyone can follow, whether you know your way around a gym or have avoided gyms like the plague.

Our HD videos will show you from your phone screen how to perform each movement correctly. The videos are linked to each of the workouts, so you can save them to your phone. You simply double tap on the exercise name, and you will be coached through the movement instantly.
Recipe guides & Menus
  • 52 weekly menus for winter, summer, fall, and spring. This takes the thinking out of losing weight and feeling amazing. It means you can eat seasonally and get the most nutrients out of your meals saving money on supplements. 
  • ​A new menu each week means you will never get bored or run out of ideas.  
  • ​Shopping lists mean that preparation is easy. You save time and money in the grocery store. No more wandering around trying to decide what to fix this week and buying needless junk food or veggies you’ll end up throwing out. Do-ahead guides include tips to save time when cooking, so that you can keep more of your weekend for yourself.  
  • ​The searchable recipe database allows you to take a less structured approach. With 468 recipes, you can explore new meals as you choose, and then using the “favorites” button, you can quickly save meals for later, creating your own list of go-to meals. 
  • ​If you are a fussy eater or have dietary restrictions, this may be a better option for you. You can see how the meal looks, prep time and ingredients needed so you can quickly determine if the meal will be a good fit. 
  • 52 weekly menus for winter, summer, fall, and spring. This takes the thinking out of losing weight and feeling amazing. It means you can eat seasonally and get the most nutrients out of your meals saving money on supplements. 
  • ​A new menu each week means you will never get bored or run out of ideas.  
  • ​Shopping lists mean that preparation is easy. You save time and money in the grocery store. No more wandering around trying to decide what to fix this week and buying needless junk food or veggies you’ll end up throwing out. Do-ahead guides include tips to save time when cooking, so that you can keep more of your weekend for yourself.  
  • ​The searchable recipe database allows you to take a less structured approach. With 468 recipes, you can explore new meals as you choose, and then using the “favorites” button, you can quickly save meals for later, creating your own list of go-to meals. 
  • ​If you are a fussy eater or have dietary restrictions, this may be a better option for you. You can see how the meal looks, prep time and ingredients needed so you can quickly determine if the meal will be a good fit. 
Eat Essentials Guides
  • All the guides can be saved directly to your phone or printed and taken with you. You get instant access when you need it.
  • ​Each guide comes with a pantry list - so you know how to get the best ingredients. This means no nasty additives or harmful chemicals, keeping you feeling and looking your best. Save yourself the 10 years it took me to put this list together. 
  • ​Lose weight even while traveling by using the travel guide. Includes lists of foods to stock up on before going, lists of cooking friendly hotels, and how to eat anywhere from gourmet restaurants, diners or anywhere along the road. 
  • ​The 3 Day Deload plan allows you to reset after vacations or when you’re feeling off. It shows you exactly what to do to improve your energy, your mood, and experience less bloating. 
  • ​Love.Learn.Lunchbox is your 25-page kid’s eating guide. It is full of tasty recipes that your kids will go crazy for. There is a tear-away lunch packing guide so you or the kids can pack a healthy, yet tasty lunch. The best part is they are quick and super easy to prepare. This allows you to not only be the best role model for your kids but also set them up with healthy habits for adulthood .  
  • All the guides can be saved directly to your phone or printed and taken with you. You get instant access when you need it.
  • ​Each guide comes with a pantry list - so you know how to get the best ingredients. This means no nasty additives or harmful chemicals, keeping you feeling and looking your best. Save yourself the 10 years it took me to put this list together. 
  • ​Lose weight even while traveling by using the travel guide. Includes lists of foods to stock up on before going, lists of cooking friendly hotels, and how to eat anywhere from gourmet restaurants, diners or anywhere along the road. 
  • ​The 3 Day Deload plan allows you to reset after vacations or when you’re feeling off. It shows you exactly what to do to improve your energy, your mood, and experience less bloating. 
  • ​Love.Learn.Lunchbox is your 25-page kid’s eating guide. It is full of tasty recipes that your kids will go crazy for. There is a tear-away lunch packing guide so you or the kids can pack a healthy, yet tasty lunch. The best part is they are quick and super easy to prepare. This allows you to not only be the best role model for your kids but also set them up with healthy habits for adulthood .  
Monthly coaching calls, Private Facebook community & Calls w/ experts  
Some online programs are completely impersonal. Just an app that you are left to figure out for yourself. We want to give you the support and accountability you need. Each month I host a live coaching call with you so you can have all of your questions answered. This means that if you are experiencing any problems, big or small, you have a qualified expert ready to help.

A private Facebook group means you will have support from others just like you; busy professionals, trying to improve their energy and body shape, and helping others to do the same.  

We also host live educational videos with health experts. This means you can gain a better understanding of topics related to your health & fitness. These are valuable in helping you know what is true and what isn’t in terms of health. They also save you time and money while getting faster results. 

You will not find more value in any other online health & fitness membership. 
How much value do you get in EAT. MOVE. LIVE.?
Well, let’s do the math…
1 coaching call per month, 12 per year. 
Total Value of $2,400 

Access to video library with leading health experts. 
Total Value of $1,000 

52 weekly meal plans with seasonal ingredients, full shopping lists, and time-saving guides. Also included is a 468 recipe database, special guides for kid’s lunches, traveling and resetting your body. 
Total Value of $279 

4 different workout plans that contain 12 Months of functional movement and strength programming. Each workout plan is suited to a different fitness level, ranging from the complete beginner to an advanced level of fitness. Also included is a “do at home” fitness test, which pairs your perfectly to the right training plan for you. 
Total Value of $2,100 

Lastly, let’s talk about the value of becoming that person you aspire to be. Having a slimmer waist, boundless energy, and crystal clear focus. 

Not having to feel tired, unconfident or that you are letting people down. 

Could we really even put a price on the transformation you are about to make? 

Even without counting this priceless addition, you get tremendous value. 
$5,779 worth of value to be exact. 
But we’re not done yet...

Here are some bonuses to help you make life easier
Mindset Guide
($150 value)
Take Control Of Your Day
($175 value) 
Natural Energy Rhythms
With your EML membership, you are getting $5,779 worth of value. 
The added bonuses total $475.

This means you’re getting $6,254 worth of value.
Although there is $6,254 worth of value in EML... 

I honestly want to help high performers like you who need to be on your “A” game everyday and sustain it.

So even if one unplanned event happens in your life whether it be something unfortunate or you have a string of 16 hour days … you can still have the energy to be the person you need to be without pushing you over the “edge.”

Because I know from over a decade of working with clients, change takes time. 
No one wakes up suddenly overweight, and struggling to focus and stay awake during the day.

They didn’t plan to spend 10-20 years locked in habits that decline their health, it just sort of happens when you’re calendar is booked up hour by hour and you’re constantly in the weeds.  

The price of EML is just 
$879 for 1 year!
I know you’ve heard big promises before... only to be let down.

That’s why I want to take the risk off you and put it on me.

I’m offering a 14 — day money back guarantee on your EML membership.

You can sign up today, try out the program and then decide later if it really lived up to the promises made here.
You are one quick email away from getting 100% of your money back - no questions asked, no forms to fill out. And you can keep the plans you’ve downloaded.

So I’m taking a risk here. People could take advantage, but we want to give you every reason to see why Eat Move Live is the best program you can invest in.

Here’s what you need to do to claim this offer and special bonuses with more than $6,254 worth of value.
After entering your details, you will gain instant access to EML. From here, you can get started as early as today or tomorrow on building the most productive, healthiest, and fittest version of you

P.S. if you’re anything like me… maybe you’ve skipped right to the end.

If you’re reading this letter right now, you are probably like most of my clients. You are gaining weight while becoming increasingly tired, depleted and overwhelmed. You feel like you are not being the best version of you. This means people who depend on you get let down, and life is harder than it needs to be.

You’ve tried to solve this problem before, but other workout and nutrition programs just don’t seem to work. These programs might have worked in your twenties, but now you have too little time and energy for these to work.

These programs don’t work because they fight your human nature, making them almost impossible to sustain. EML is different. EML works with your human nature instead of against it.

Although EML is packed with $6,254 worth of value, you can get it for just $879 for a year's membership.

At $2.40 per day, it costs less than a Starbucks cup of coffee. Isn’t your health worth that investment? And, you’ll have more energy and be drinking less coffee, so the money is already there!

And when your energy and focus is completely rejuvenated from EML…
 you’re going to save on getting those 2, 3 or even 4 coffees a day to help you concentrate.

All this is going to allow you to transform your energy, focus and body fat. Soon you will be crushing work deadlines. 
You will look, feel and perform like never before. You will truly be the best role model possible for those who look up to you.

This membership is completely risk-free. You can try it out, and if it didn’t live up to your highest expectations, you can get 100% of your money back with one simple email.

No questions asked, and no forms to fill out.
 In fact, you could download all the course materials and get all your money back meaning the risk here is 100% on us. It’s a no-lose situation.

Simply click the button below to get started.

Here's what people are saying
Just wanted to say thank you for all you do and that you and EML are real! Flew to PHX for my wedding dress fitting and it was LOOSE from when I bought it 5 weeks ago and they have to take it in! 10 pounds and more important I am down 1 pant size, feel better and I know this is all working and as you know I am just eating right, resistance training and doing the basic foundation stuff! Nothing extreme. Thank you! ❤️ Plus I bought a pair of pants today, 2 sizes smaller!

- Julie Polsin 

You are so strong! You inspired me to pull out my brace, put it on and start exercising with it just to see what kinds of movement I can plan to do. I want to get my head, heart and spirit prepared for the bullshit around the corner so I can choose a positive stance. I realize things will change and I can't plan for everything but I'm ready to go into this like an athlete, not a victim. I want to own it like a mother fucker. The good the bad and the ugly. Can't even imagine going through all this without having met you and all I've already learned from you. God is good. This EML program is amazing! ❤️ 

- Melissa Massie
Just the word "diet" has always conjured up such a feeling of dread. I remember being in high school and college and all the girls, including myself, were always on some sort of diet.  

You read about it in every magazine, all the "how -to's" to become model skinny by doing this or that, by eating this or by not eating that. It didn't matter what shape or size you were, we were sold that everyone needed to be on a "diet".  

They were always restrictive, life consuming and usually involved starving yourself. I hated it. I hated the work, I hated the feelings of hunger, the confusion, the lack of success that always came along with it, and eventually the shame because I just couldn't seem to make any of those so called "easy" summer body diets work. So I stopped magazine "dieting" and just resolved that I was fat. To be fat, was simply my lot in life. I was meant to be fat. I was obviously too dumb or too lazy to follow a plan, count calories and get that summer body. Even today, everyone I know is on a "diet" of some sort.  

Just listen in on any mom conversation at a sporting or school event. Gluten-Free, Keto, Whole30, Plexus, Paleo, all the stages of being a Vegan - its down right exhausting listening to their myriad of foods they can and can't eat, what scales they use to count and weigh their food and there I sat being fat. Listening and feeling shameful, thinking " well, at least THEY are doing something". It didn't matter to me, that the next week they were on to something else and I really had no idea if they were successful in their efforts. All I knew is they were doing something, and I was not. I know better of course. I also know Evie. 

 For almost 10 years now I have known Evie and never have I met a more honest and sincere individual. I sent her a message one day when I had enough of just being known as the fat mom. It was one word "help". She knew what I meant, and had been waiting for me to realize I needed to reach out to her. I needed to be ready to make changes, not to be told I needed to change. Evie responded and the thing she stressed the most, was to just " eat real food." I was blown away. What did that mean? I eat food all the time, or I sat around not eating and just being hungry. 

 How in the world is this going to work. Eating was going to equal success????

 Surely she meant to say I was going to need to run 5 miles and drink those nasty protein shakes 3 times a day in order to lose weight and be healthy. But she didn't. She kept saying " Eat. Real. Food." When I pressed her as to what that really meant, she said " stop eating shit". Eve is a real straight shooter that way 😉. She said " make small changes that you can live with, don't do it all in one day". This is too simple I thought. Eat real food and make small changes. I thought it over for a few days, trying to decide if I could really try again. What if I joined yet another program and failed. I didn't want to just waste money on myself. Then Evie posted a photo and caption that had to do with self worth and it struck a nerve. I mustered up the courage to try again and I joined Eat. Move. Live. I decided on a small change. I stopped ordering soda and drank water. By day 3 I realized I was doing it, I was actually succeeding with my goal. My super small goal. 

 It gave me the courage to try another small change. I stopped eating fast food. This was hard, as a sports family we seem to always be in the car and running from place to place. It was a huge thing to plan ahead and stick to the plan. But I did it. I ate apples and almond butter in the car instead of french fries, waters instead of sweet tea. I was feeling proud of my efforts. Then one evening about 2 weeks later, I noticed something. My face looked different. It wasn't so round, so puffy. It wasn't so "fat". I was blown away that the simple, small change that I had set my mind to could make a such a huge difference. It made me believe I could change. I could change my eating habits, I could change my way of thinking about eating, I could change the way I look. I could do it, and it didn't have to take over my life. I didn't have to starve myself or exercise to pure exhaustion. I had to learn to eat real food, I had to learn what that meant. My trips to the grocery store are different now. I am way more observant. Stores don't want you to look at the produce. They want you to look at all the pretty packaging on the products on the shelves. 

 They want you to notice the sale tags and make you feel like you are getting such a great deal on chips or sodas. They want you to feel like you are saving money by spending money on "junk food'. By using EML recipes and shopping lists I have found that it doesn't have to cost a fortune to eat healthy. It costs a fortune to be distracted by the advertising and marketing and to not have a plan. I look at labels now, not because EML says I have to, but because I want to. I want to know what I am feeding myself, and my family. For so long I just believed the marketing and the fads and bought what they sold me as healthy ( fat free, low fat, sugar free.... surely those things must be good for me right ? ) I am not perfect and when I make crappy decisions when eating out, or fall back into old habits, 

Evie has taught me that I haven't failed (yet again). She has taught me that there is another chance next time I eat. I get another chance to make a better choice. It’s not all or nothing, it is doing something that is important and being conscious of what you are putting in your body. When people compliment me on my physical changes and ask me what I am doing, I smile and say " I eat real food" and I happily tell them about Evie and Eat. Move. Live.

- Kris Karney 

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